Sure boh? *rubs eye in disbelief*
This is the dish!!
hehe.....actually I did'nt really cook that dish. I was just helping out. Anna was the one that prepared the recipe, mix it all together and started the cooking. It's a kind of Russian dessert she learnt during her one and a half years training there. I kepoh kepoh try to cook it nia.....and pose for photos...
We did a 'girls day out' thing on Tuesday as it was a Public holiday. Went to Anna's place to cook, eat and then watch DVD. Duygu cooked the main dish which is a kind of curry chicken. Anna prepared the salad and dessert, so Sandra, Eva and me....erh....tried our best to make ourselves useful.... :p
The meal was nice and the movie was good too!
l-r : me, Eva-Greece, Sandra-Colombia, Duygu-Turkey, Anna-Germany
"Swern can cook, so can you"
you can cook now? haha you go girl!
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