Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Which do you think is more disgusting?

Blowing your nose loud loud for all to hear (and see) ...


Digging your nose when (you think) nobody's looking?



At 10:17 AM, Blogger Lichard said...

How about....
Putting the THING, fruits of ur digging into your mouth?

At 1:13 AM, Blogger Obsius said...

er... Lichard's idea wins hands down :P

But between the two you gave... i'd say the latter. Blowing the nose *may* be inevitable and necessary... but digging is almost always an optional task :P

which begs the question: why the heck are you pondering over this issue?

At 7:34 PM, Blogger swern said...

Lichard: That is damn eewww...yuck..

obsius: Why am I pondering about this? ..erh... 'eat full nothing to do' :p


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